[{"caption":"BWS Manager and Chief Engineer Ernest Lau appears in a VICE News investigative report covering fuel leaks at Red Hill and other environmental impacts in various communities near military installations.\n\nWatch at: https://www.boardofwatersupply.com/protectoahuwater/news/recommended\n \n#bwshonolulu #vice #newsreport #protectingoahuwater #freshwater #limitedsource #conservation #water #kawaiola #wai #navy #redhill #hawaii #military #leaks #fuel #transparent","media_type":"IMAGE","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/279747318_549659296523846_3153119089430893692_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=pIYCC833CRUAX96Kiq9&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT9uthypxrvEwpfz69Ox_5uxYtWAuBts5HDppi_CUoHwWQ&oe=627727E4","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/CdHrhBDj8jN/","timestamp":"2022-05-04T02:50:50+0000","id":"17949905233862291"},{"caption":"✅🌺Check out our Easy DIY Xeric Flower Lei Workshop Video⁣❤️⁣ \n⁣⁣\nGreat for celebrations like May Day🌺, Mother's Day🌹and graduations🎓, our workshop video will show you the basic tips to sew 🪡 a lei using beautiful xeric flowers that you may already be growing in your yard 💧.⁣\n⁣⁣\n📌💛 Fragrant Plumeria or frangipani can be grown in a pot or the ground and blooms March through October. ⁣⁣\n📌🤍Sweet scented Stephanotis or Marsdenia floribunda blooms Spring thru Autumn and grows well on a strong fence or trellis.⁣\n📌💜👑Crown Flower or Calotropis gigantea blooms year-round and is the home to monarch butterflies and their larvae. ⁣\n⁣⁣\n📌 to see this and more xeriscape workshop videos see link in bio. Also, for more xeriscape garden tips check out our Instagram feed and IGTV and feel free to like and share. #halawaxeriscapegarden⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\n#flowerlei #plumeria lei #stephanotis #crownflowerlei #easydiy #howto #gardencrafts #workshopvideo #learnathome #bwshxg⁣","media_type":"VIDEO","media_url":"https://video-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t50.16885-16/10000000_684475432858953_5354255704741964614_n.mp4?_nc_cat=104&vs=515549636940044_900021173&_nc_vs=HBksFQAYJEdJQ1dtQUJKZFFqYmhtNENBRWJyd0FVeUkwNUtidlZCQUFBRhUAAsgBABUAGCRHSmFMb1JDdVNsdWVoa1FCQU9PUmJSZ2FNZU1YYnZWQkFBQUYVAgLIAQAoABgAGwGIB3VzZV9vaWwBMRUAACaunPXz%2BZrrPxUCKAJDMywXQHO7ul41P30YEmRhc2hfYmFzZWxpbmVfMV92MREAdewHAA%3D%3D&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=59939d&efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InZ0c192b2RfdXJsZ2VuLjEyODAuaWd0diJ9&_nc_ohc=mvyGpbrDd9gAX_cNxMZ&_nc_ht=video-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT9BIIS4GIpIfz-6mYAm9eNXprH56aYPDFM4aqoysgQRVw&oe=62736BED&_nc_rid=9c9c9edb27","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cc6g6GnA6e0/","timestamp":"2022-04-29T00:09:21+0000","id":"18232818907107504"},{"caption":"Ka Wai Wednesdays is a contest designed to test your knowledge about water conservation.\n \nToday’s question:\n\nWhat product does the BWS offer as part of its residential rebate program? \n\nA) Dishwashers\nB) Toilets \nC) Clothes Washers\nD) All of the above\n\nWater conservation is now more critical than ever before. With a reduction in rainfall and the current strain on our water system to meet demand, we ask for everyone’s support and kokua to reduce their water usage. That way, we can avoid any progressive restrictive measures this summer when the weather gets warm and dry and water usage increases.\n\nWater is a limited source. Let’s protect our water resources.\n\n#water #kawaiola #contest #instagram #prize #rebate #winning #oahu #hawaii #island #win #questioning","media_type":"IMAGE","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/279179071_3171511683123023_1703077640355504457_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=M1m0jhrMDzsAX_Zeoh9&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT9kTr67AgNpWg_N6BsONOINDE9mff2f2mhLTFM9ctJwww&oe=62780D5F","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc37bmIPX6k/","timestamp":"2022-04-28T00:02:03+0000","id":"17929426274191943"},{"caption":"Mauka to makai views & mālama ʻāina fun w/@wmwphawaii. Hauʻoli Lā Honua! Hope everyone gets out this weekend and celebrates this amazing planet.\n\n💧 He huewai ola ke kanaka na Kāne\n\nPeople are Kāne’s living water gourd. Mary Kawena Pukui, ʻŌlelo Noʻeau # 71. What does this ʻōlelo noʻeau mean to you?\n \n🌎 Water on Earth\n-- Wherever water flows on this planet, you can be sure to find life!\n-- Of the world's total water supply, over 96% is saline\n-- Groundwater is 0.76% of all water\n \n💦 We depend on groundwater for our water supply!\n-- Our wet season rains replenish this underground water supply\n-- Rainfall: ~ 1/3 replenishes the aquifer, 1/3 nurtures vegetation & evaporates, 1/3 is discharged as runoff into the ocean\n-- Most of Oʻahu island has been in drought this wet season\n \n✌🏼 Water in our bodies\n-- The amount of water in the body varies a bit but in general, ~ 60% of the human adult body is water\n-- Our brain & heart is about 73% water while bones are around 31%\n-- Generally, an adult needs ~ 2- 3 liters (~ 68-101 oz) of water per day (from drinking & eating)\n\n💙 Let's treat our precious water supply with the respect that it deserves & only use what we need. Mahalo for all that you do to be thoughtful in your water use & inspire others! \n \n☀️ This weekend, please visit us at Mauka to Makai @waikikiaquarium &/or at Ellison Onizuka Day (@onizukaday).\nAnd on Wed, watch our feed for Steven’s 2nd Ka Wai Wed to play a trivia game & win prizes!!\n\n📸 Not exactly a gourd - it's our #teapotpose 😄. Mahalo for the awesome day, @wmwphawaii! Mahalo too for all that you and fellow watershed protectors do to make every day Earth Day!\n\n===\ninfo: USGS.gov, boardofwatersupply.com\n#earthday #olaikawai #everydayisearthday #malamaaina #conservewater #drought #itsakākouthing #maukasilliness #diggingholesisfun #oahu #hawaiilove #westside #makaha #olelonoeau #earthday2022 #malamahonua #bethechange #watersupply","media_type":"IMAGE","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/278974176_675706230384418_4670468061470076714_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=4fcwWPdjnbgAX8eOgK1&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT-Q7QzXeH_GXXmvULyY6VIfD9Ua11URmY-rQ7rXRpDHJA&oe=627749B1","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccqb06UpGvy/","timestamp":"2022-04-22T18:15:46+0000","id":"17931326318167645"},{"caption":"Ka Wai Wednesdays is a contest designed to test your knowledge about water conservation. Join us today at 2 PM and next Wednesday, April 27, at 2 PM for the conservation question of the day. The first two to answer it correctly within the hour will win! We’ll have a grand prize and a second-place winner. \n \nToday’s question: \n \nHow much groundwater is used on Oahu? \nA) 550 MGD\nB) 180 MGD\nC) 220 MGD \n \nWater conservation is now more critical than ever before. With a reduction in rainfall and the current strain on our water system to meet demand, we ask for everyone’s support and kokua to reduce their water usage. That way, we can avoid any progressive restrictive measures this summer when the weather gets warm and dry and water usage increases. \n \nWater is a limited source. Let’s protect our water resources.\n\n#contest #bwshonolulu #kawaiwednesdays #instagram #conservation #water #pure #fresh #trivia #prizes #hawaiilife #oahu #honolulu #drinkingwater #protect #source #april #wednesday","media_type":"IMAGE","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/278827232_112102988143208_9185318716308605048_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=ubUT4NIMitcAX9HPboY&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT_DmcBlDfmwD9RffIE-ZqeZtekW_M7jVm41bKYZPAJ20g&oe=62782F04","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccl5mgXP7R-/","timestamp":"2022-04-20T23:59:44+0000","id":"17918942156265415"},{"caption":"Sign up for the Board of Water Supply’s Waiwai Email Newsletter.\n \nOur Waiwai Email Newsletter provides timely, valuable information via email on the Board of Water Supply’s operational actions being taken in response to the Red Hill water contamination issue and other important information.\n \nIn the next issue:\nWater shortage: Learning from Our Past\nDealing with the Water Supply-Demand Balance\nDeveloping New Wells May take Years \n \nTo sign up, visit https://mailchi.mp/boardofwatersupply.com/waiwai.\n \n\n#waiwai #bwshonolulu #kawaiola #purewater #waterforlife #redhill #oahu #waterupdates #informative #protectoahuwater #newsletter #timely #conservation #conserve #watershed","media_type":"IMAGE","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/278780783_3185184835084532_6190807333158629856_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=CvoIp4IzBRUAX9e1snk&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT84RnGY5l-4pnOuPNNj8DAiemUHWeuLlG18vUDlwHgJHg&oe=62779D7D","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/CcjiilFp6Ta/","timestamp":"2022-04-20T01:59:44+0000","id":"17923681661167696"},{"caption":"It’s Detect-A-Leak Week! \n\nA common source of leaks happen right inside your kitchen or bathroom. Did you know that a leaky showerhead at 10 drips per minute wastes more than 500 gallons of water per year? \n\nIt’s important to routinely check around your home (inside/outside) for leaky faucets, showerheads, toilets, and irrigations lines/sprinklers. \n\nFixing a leak protects our water resources & provides savings on your monthly water bill. It’s now more important than ever to regularly check and fix leaks. Water is too valuable to be wasted! \n\nGet more leak detection tips at www.boardofwatersupply.com/detectaleak. \n\n#detectaleak #fixaleak #showerhead #drips #water #oahu #kawaiola #bwshonolulu #gallons #drinkingwater #hawaii #oahu","media_type":"IMAGE","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/278495029_139683891934970_5103109439727402083_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=4NeFP5jCTdYAX8ClVen&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT_NV4IBmLzM5PIGEIqYighxDUJLbP-5xVh5X45UA_mhyQ&oe=62770083","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/CcbsRjxJ_Nd/","timestamp":"2022-04-17T00:50:52+0000","id":"18172169332169209"},{"caption":"It's Detect-A-Leak Week!\n\nAre you wondering why your toilet sings to you when not in use? That’s not a good sign and is likely the cause of an old or worn-out flapper. While replacing it is relatively easy and inexpensive, ignoring it can waste A LOT of water, costing you money.\n\nThe flapper is the valve at the bottom of the toilet tank. When you flush, the flapper lifts and lets the water flow into the toilet bowl. The toilet flapper will block the opening when the tank empties, allowing it to refill properly.\n\nIf your flapper is older than five years old, it’s important you get it replaced to prevent leaks.\nFind out more info on how to detect for toilet leaks at www.boardofwatersupply.com/detectaleak.\n\n#detectaleak #fixaleak #leaks #faultyflapper #flapper #toilet #leakytoilet #valve #dyetablets #tank #five #old #prevent #leaks #hawaiian #islands #oahu #bwshonolulu #conservation #usage","media_type":"IMAGE","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/278239666_649689522785337_3719834946576716711_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=uHSO_AvSe94AX9MFJOq&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT_6llj43RVHdPD-qD1ogwuS0SQ_wGK1zcvIcQ40nAYITA&oe=62774E1F","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/CcRVFBjvO9j/","timestamp":"2022-04-13T00:15:47+0000","id":"17942231920941847"},{"caption":"It’s Detect-A-Leak Week (April 10 – 16) \n \nIt’s time to chase down those leaks and get them fix. Leaks may run but they can’t hide. \n \nMake sure to regularly check underneath your clothes washer, dishwasher, and icemaker for water spots and water connection leaks. If you have a leak, make sure to quickly get it fixed. Who wants to pay for water they’re not using? \n \nGet more tips at www.boardofwatersupply.com/detéctale al\n \n#detectaleak #fixaleak #leaks #clotheswasher #dishwasher #icemaker #water #oahu #protect #conservation #reduce #fixaleak #waterusers #bwshonolulu #kawaiola","media_type":"IMAGE","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/278167637_828447778549886_8429508893884468918_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=Hqq8VQdEv8AAX9JBWHg&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT9_6ornKM5zD_4oS03xNHJhFjmaW85YfCE6YTArALYnPw&oe=627746AF","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/CcPkopZLxKT/","timestamp":"2022-04-12T07:53:14+0000","id":"17982587788494707"},{"caption":"It's Detect-A-Leak Week! \n\nDid you know that an unexplained high-water bill is usually the sign that you have a leak on your property?\n\nBe your own leak detective! Take the time to regularly inspect and fix all indoor and outdoor leaks. Most leaks are simple to repair and don’t require a financial investment. \n\nWith the voluntary conservation request, we ask all Oahu water users, especially now more than ever, to take the time to detect and fix leaks.\n\nFixing leaks saves water and reduces your water bill – why pay for water that you don’t use. Let’s protect this limited and precious resource. \n\n#detectaleak #fixaleak #leak #toiletleaks #conservewater #water #kawaiola #bwshonolulu #bill #outdoorleaks #oahu #waterusers #protect #conserve #reduce #usage #island","media_type":"IMAGE","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/278057351_378311757687761_5342103273992802459_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=QVZM41rVnLMAX9_iPYk&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT-P03y4ht3gHd_1tneUiLBpV-BqZ9idk8My6xiUYdUYaQ&oe=6276FD73","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/CcMpYDnLxrC/","timestamp":"2022-04-11T04:36:56+0000","id":"17916369614384004"},{"caption":"Detect-A-Leak Week starts Sunday, April 10. It’s essential to take the time to go through your home and/or business (inside and outside) to hunt down those sneaky leaks. Nobody wants to pay for water they don’t use.\n \nHere’s a fact – did you know that an average family uses 30% of their water usage outdoors? More than half of this goes to watering lawns and gardens.\n \nIt is vital that you take the time to regularly check for outdoor leaks. This includes broken sprinkler heads, misdirected sprinklers, and damaged irrigation lines. Also, don’t forget to check your garden hose for leaks where it connects to the spigot.\n \n#detectaleak #fixaleak #leak #toiletleaks #conservewater #water #kawaiola #bwshonolulu #flapper #event #drought #watersupply #hawaii #pure #importance #vital","media_type":"IMAGE","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/277994478_704405073926087_8155099240366278940_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=SQVj1O7_XAAAX-VPnSS&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT_xq3eNBAplNDtIlTl3ehY8d8ADCMA4Y9W9Hyv-WbcGjg&oe=627826EC","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/CcHPH4Lr-NN/","timestamp":"2022-04-09T02:11:20+0000","id":"17943050431911588"},{"caption":"Sunday, April 10 is the start of Detect-A-Leak Week. An annual event that reminds water users about the importance of finding and fixing leaks. This is especially critical with lower-than-normal rainfall and the closure of three Board of Water Supply water sources due to the contamination of the Navy’s Red Hill shaft.\n\nA leaking toilet is one of the most common leaks found in the home. The culprit is usually an old or faulty flapper. Over time, the inexpensive rubber part decays and needs to be replaced.\n\nTo tell if it’s leaking, do the following:\n\n1. Drop in a dye tablet (available for free at the Board of Water Supply, Hardware Hawaii stores, and Satellite City Hall locations) into the toilet tank.\n\n2. Wait 10 minutes. Do not flush.\n\n3. If you see discoloration in the toilet bowl, you have a leak.\n\n4. If it’s the flapper, take it down to your nearest hardware store to make sure you’re getting the correct model for your toilet.\n \nFor more tips on detecting and fixing leaks, please go to www.boardofwatersupply.com/detectaleak.\n\n#detectaleak #fixaleak #leak #toiletleaks #conservewater #water #kawaiola #bwshonolulu #flapper #event #drought #watersupply #hawaii #pure #importance #vital","media_type":"IMAGE","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/277905154_681581382885600_4664588636776631977_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=52oAI8A1D5UAX_NVEwL&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT-hT55yV5cZdgIDZ3SKdq-XyE9gyHzsx_ey4ufjuRSkFw&oe=6277740F","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/CcCJc7qOWrG/","timestamp":"2022-04-07T02:45:35+0000","id":"17956088989683406"},{"caption":"Water is a building block of life – without it – there’s no life.\n \nMarch 22 is World Water Day, a day dedicated to drawing awareness of the billions of people around the globe that don’t have access to safe and clean drinking water.\n \nDid you know: Watersheds catch rainwater that soaks into and replenishes our underground aquifers. That is why we must preserve and protect our existing watershed lands.\n\nGo to www.boardofwatersupply.com/worldwaterday \n \n#worldwaterday #bwshonolulu #wastewater #stormwater #climatechange #aquifers #preserve #protect #watershed #drinkingwater #source #groundwater #kawaiola #conservation #conserve #dontwaste #waterislife #pure #clean #healthy","media_type":"IMAGE","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/275915823_2140820869415115_5373978016510239512_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=m4xbUhyI8FIAX9Y91UF&_nc_oc=AQnxpZ9EEkD7MR0Jt3beH6RsvTYRQwm3-WFojNt7cod1wzZ2KSgrLWqtM-WS8_c8jps&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT9iKK9z9EgUvYN8DRriA6i1bMJSwBiBatPes35AOqVx7A&oe=62772A0B","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/CbOX8lzpEmf/","timestamp":"2022-03-18T00:11:44+0000","id":"17891639879605434"},{"caption":"What does “One Water” mean?\n\nHave you ever thought about the importance of repurposing stormwater and wastewater?\n\nLearn more with the Department of Environmental Services Director and Chief Engineer, Roger Babcock, at www.boardofwatersupply.com/worldwaterday.\n\nAnd don't forget to join us for World Water Day, March 22, as we bring awareness of the over 2 billion people living without access to safe and clean drinking water.\n\nYou’ll also have a chance to win PRIZES in our World Water Day “Shuffle Puzzle.”\n\n#onewater #worldwaterday #march #stormwater #wastewater #awareness #world #globe #safe #drinkingwater #resources #source #groundwater #prizes #contest #shuffle #puzzle #bwshonolulu","media_type":"IMAGE","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/275819432_131674066089857_4155736477467180413_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=q3WOv4h4fRsAX9w3DZO&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT9Ax5GpyJkSDi1EhAenGmsS2a2x-unlofXfiHH2aze9FA&oe=62789C72","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/CbLbk6vPsWA/","timestamp":"2022-03-16T20:45:44+0000","id":"18274301467068874"},{"caption":"The City’s Board of Water Supply, Resilience Office, & the Department of Environmental Services are partnering for World Water Day, Tuesday, March 22.\n\nDo you know where Oahu’s drinking water comes from?\n\nWhat is an aquifer and the importance of protecting it?\n \nThis year’s theme is groundwater – making the invisible visible – what does that mean?\n \nLearn more with Arthur Aiu at www.boardofwatersupply.com/worldwaterday.\n \n#worldwaterday #bwshonolulu #groundwater #aquifer #invisible #visible #drinkingwater #freshwater #protecthesource #waterresources #world #water #day #bwshonolulu #sanitation #climatechange #wastewatertreatment","media_type":"IMAGE","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/275685818_2053572938156286_2538507632660040469_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=8N9mQHviQVgAX9VHd4l&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT86k_Z8EdRe-wktfS3-KcT_7aMQ5GIm7v6Emb7l3-fmeQ&oe=62785ABC","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca-1JTFvKrl/","timestamp":"2022-03-11T23:19:01+0000","id":"17919190139165821"},{"caption":"Conserving water is more important than ever and rain catchment is a great conservation tool. \n\n💦 We estimate that 50% of water use occurs outdoors. Since catchment systems use rainwater, they reduce the amount of potable (drinking) water used for nonpotable (non-drinking) purposes. Rain caught in, for example, barrels such as those shown, can be used to water plants or wash tools and vehicles.\n\n☀️ Besides saving our limited water supply, you can save money on your water bill and minimize stormwater runoff!\n \nResearch shows that up to 600 gallons of water can be collected from one inch of rain on a 1,000 square foot rooftop.\n\nCheck out our video \"Uwē ka lani\" to learn more about rain catchment, including how to make a trashcan rain barrel. We also have a rebate available if you buy a rain barrel from a retailer. Check the link in our bio to get to the video & rebate.\n\nPhotos: Kathryn from our Water Conservation Branch helps prep and get rain barrels to you. The next 2 slides show Thursday's Drought Monitor Map.\n\n=\nWatch for our upcoming contest posts to win rain barrels &/or rain catchment workshop seats. Note that beyond these opportunities, we do not have rain barrels at this time. Visit: hbws.me/catchrain for related info and our rain barrel rebate.\n \n===\n#malamaikawai #kawaiola #olaikawai #rainbarrels #savewater #conservewater #hawaiʻi #hawaii #oʻahu #oahu #drought","media_type":"CAROUSEL_ALBUM","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/274780011_1721240818235572_4753016927036178502_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=R2N2_-DkIrMAX8kNmtq&_nc_oc=AQlKfscgCt1HZvt-CWEdm9qhvY4F0mpL3BgDmBRRGKCfW9BdJgwyOn5Ny61_OLZ-Dx4&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT_x9MhXGexDVSBWinSIz_wr5HcoOxDl9QYvAyHNnWGJGw&oe=627853E1","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/CactvopJJuC/","timestamp":"2022-02-26T17:20:10+0000","id":"17920403537270841"},{"caption":"✅Check out our Xeric Mini Zen Garden video⁣ \n⁣\n☺️A xeric mini zen garden willl bring a bit of serenity and nature to your countertop.🌱⁣\n⁣\n💧This video shows you how to combine elements of a zen rock 🪨garden with a xeriscape succulent that is low maintenance⁣\n ⁣\n🌱Xeriscape plants help conserve water and are ideal in a zen rock garden,⁣\n⁣\n🦓Haworthia, nicknamed zebra cactus for its white bands is a small slow growing succulent that enjoys bright light a few hours a day. Use well drained soil to help keep your plant roots from rotting. Only water once soil is dry.⁣\n ⁣\n🧘🏻‍♂‍Zen gardens evoke tranquility and meditation, combining elements of rock, gravel, sand and wood with very few plants and no water.⁣\n ⁣\n🌊Raking the sand represents waves of water and helps practice concentration.⁣\n ⁣\n📌to see this and more xeriscape workshop videos see link in bio. Also, for more xeriscape garden tips check out our Instagram feed and IGTV and feel free to like and share. #halawaxeriscapegarden⁣\n⁣\n ⁣\n ⁣\n ⁣\n ⁣\n ⁣\n ⁣\n#zengardening #zengardens #minizengarden #zenrockgarden #easydiy #howto #weekendideas #gardencrafts #gardeningathome #workshopvideo #learnathome #bwshxg","media_type":"VIDEO","media_url":"https://video-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t50.16885-16/10000000_655783512120423_6802492270445596132_n.mp4?_nc_cat=108&vs=651785599576340_4064228040&_nc_vs=HBksFQAYJEdJQ1dtQUJuSEVwLWJsUUNBT1FOUU1ldFRtZGVidlZCQUFBRhUAAsgBABUAGCRHTUtWT3hEbnVBRDNvXzBBQUxaX3BtdENNaFZsYnZWQkFBQUYVAgLIAQAoABgAGwGIB3VzZV9vaWwBMRUAACb60Yjt5cnbPxUCKAJDMywXQG4G0OVgQYkYEmRhc2hfYmFzZWxpbmVfMV92MREAdewHAA%3D%3D&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=59939d&efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InZ0c192b2RfdXJsZ2VuLjEyODAuaWd0diJ9&_nc_ohc=3S8Bs7QFVtAAX8S4X2P&_nc_ht=video-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT9ECuLCJiWdcuWCLA1Vx6GypAZDGMO2HZ9mxyRAJOrMWw&oe=62738AA5&_nc_rid=a13611271f","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/tv/CZNmNCWJukN/","timestamp":"2022-01-26T23:55:20+0000","id":"17954321116570713"},{"caption":"☀️ Here's to friends helping friends clear out the weeds of 2021! As we roll into 2022, we look forward to another year of working together to keep our islands healthy. Mahalo to everyone out there who's pitching in. There's lots of laughter, snack-sharing, & satisfaction - but it's not easy. We appreciate being part of a passionate community. \n\n📸 Photos are from recent mālama ʻāina efforts involving BWS & partners. In these photos are @kmwphawaii, @oahudofaw, @kupuhawaii, CGAPS, @ohialife, & @oahuisc. The goals for these particular efforts are to help native forests flourish. 💦 Native forests are important places of water collection & much more! \n\n🌈 For those not involved yet, a great 2022 resolution that's easy to keep is to help take care of the ʻāina that nourishes your ʻohana.\n\n🙌🏼 We appreciate Jenna & her crew from DLNR plus Frankie & JC from KMWP for hosting the mālama ʻāina. Mahalo to photo contributors from all the orgs. \n\n🤙🏼 Wishing everyone a happy weekend! \n\nCGAPS = Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species\n\nPhotos of native 🌱 , in order = lama, ʻōhā wai, kokiʻo keʻokeʻo\n\n===\n\n#hawaiʻi #hawaii #nativespecies #nativehawaiianplants #invasivespecies #jointhecrew #naturelovers #mālamaʻāina #malamaaina #protect #watersheds #olaikawai💧🌱 #olaikawai","media_type":"CAROUSEL_ALBUM","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/271783362_459913782411543_5632101054552085894_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=0CRyoZMQHIEAX9IlI0w&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT8zBqsiz7l0-4T28SqjOJL0-YYeF0BQHPl20_E7Tak6Yg&oe=6278C888","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/CYt7cZylqv2/","timestamp":"2022-01-14T16:44:11+0000","id":"18126329725300871"},{"caption":"💦 Quick splash into your feed to wish you a beautiful 2022! Mahalo to our staff & the community for the support & effort shared in 2021. We're grateful for those keeping us & our islands healthy & resilient. 🎉🥳\n\n#hauolimakahikihou #happynewyear #happy2022 #mahalo #grateful #aloha #wegotthis #kawaiola #olaikawai #waterislife","media_type":"VIDEO","media_url":"https://video-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t50.16885-16/271112007_439715237799002_8850396210700717899_n.mp4?_nc_cat=104&vs=634479171218869_3652971338&_nc_vs=HBkcFQAYJEdFZlhLQkJhSkkwdTY0OEJBRXVQUjFSMjdOSjZidlZCQUFBRhUAAsgBACgAGAAbAYgHdXNlX29pbAExFQAAJvS7mLG4%2B98%2FFQIoAkMzLBdAGAAAAAAAABgSZGFzaF9iYXNlbGluZV8xX3YxEQB17AcA&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=59939d&efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InZ0c192b2RfdXJsZ2VuLjcyMC5pZ3R2In0%3D&_nc_ohc=K565bnCL3MsAX8oOsNS&_nc_ht=video-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT_c__YonBG79ImjrQU2YhFCSkW7uWn-yW5SoIOYjJ3d7g&oe=6273813B&_nc_rid=8be179bc47","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/tv/CYKrg0PJyuK/","timestamp":"2022-01-01T00:46:23+0000","id":"18274976308037420"},{"caption":"🌈 Congrats to staff & students on wrapping up the semester - Happy winter break! We’ve included some pics taken during our annual Conservation Calendar delivery to schools. We love getting to know the schools & staff better. It was also fun to see expressions of the holiday spirit, beautiful art, a rain garden, & xeric plants (including some natives like pōhinahina & naupaka).\n \nFor the pics, recognize the festive bird or any schools? 😉 Photo 3 is the plaque for photo 2. The last slide is a brief video of our poster winners. Please check it out - the students have some great water-saving tips. ⭐️ Mahalo to all who entered, our sponsors, & judges. Check out our website for poetry winners & related videos.\n\n💧 Entries for the next calendar are due at the end of Feb 2022. The theme is \"Water is Life - Treat it Right.\" Our Conservation Calendar is a creative way for students to spread the conservation message & maybe even win cash prizes! Please help us get the info to teachers. \n\n👉🏼 Check out www.hbws.me/contest for updates\n\n📅 Calendars are available for pickup at our Beretania Public Services Building.\n\n===\n#808educate #happyholidays #postercontest #studentartwork #conservationart #hawaii #raingardens #forschool #xeriscape #honoluluart","media_type":"CAROUSEL_ALBUM","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/269606482_278450540971869_464129136274534376_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=8n0emTcahkwAX98xQCi&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT8VMPq2m_zSy6HZU-_hXtfA84ul6pgdvMC9tFiGGLijtQ&oe=62774836","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/CXtqVomp0nt/","timestamp":"2021-12-20T17:43:19+0000","id":"17958872218542672"},{"caption":"💧 In case you missed our Monday, 12/13, news conference on our first water sample results from Hālawa Shaft, here are some clips. For the full 26-min video & other press conference videos, please check Facebook @bwshonolulu. \n\nBesides test results, clips address reporter questions about chlorination, contamination source(s), Navy cleanup methods, connections between Navy & BWS systems, & more.\n\nOur next water sample results are expected early next week. We will post the report on our website as soon as itʻs available.\n\n💦 To preserve our freshwater supply, we always ask that you use only the water that you need. Due to the Kapūkakī / Red Hill issues though, itʻs more urgent that we all pitch in to help conserve water. Everyone doing what they can adds up to a lot. We know that many are already helping & are spreading the conservation message - mahalo nui!\n\n🌦 Hoʻoilo, our rainy season, is upon us - so an easy way to conserve water is by cutting back on irrigation. Better yet, capture rainwater for your plants. We have rain barrel rebates available & a \"how-to\" video in our IGTV (Titled \"Uwē ka lani...\") If youʻre in planting mode, select plants that donʻt need a lot of water once kauwela or the dry season starts. Our planting guide can help you find native plants that fit your rainfall zone.\n\n👉🏼 Check the link in our bio for related resources.\n\n🤔 Questions? Email ContactUs@hbws.org or call 808-748-5041. \n\nIn video: Ernest Lau (BWS Manager & Chief Engineer) & Erwin Kawata (BWS Program Admin for the Water Quality Division). \n\n#kapūkakī #redhill #boardofwatersupply #oʻahu #oahu #news #mālamaikawai #olaikawai #kawaiola #malamaikawai #waterislife #protectourwater","media_type":"VIDEO","media_url":"https://video-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t50.16885-16/10000000_2239978639476985_7417535862469322256_n.mp4?_nc_cat=104&vs=17936319091828810_3102962505&_nc_vs=HBksFQAYJEdJQ1dtQUQ1U0J5clAtVUhBQkJtTkNfUllmQm1idlZCQUFBRhUAAsgBABUAGCRHQnZqX0EtYXRqNHlqc1FBQUg2WjlzU2QySUJqYnZWQkFBQUYVAgLIAQAoABgAGwGIB3VzZV9vaWwBMRUAACaQ2dr8jZXbPxUCKAJDMywXQIWe7ZFocrAYEmRhc2hfYmFzZWxpbmVfMV92MREAdewHAA%3D%3D&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=59939d&efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InZ0c192b2RfdXJsZ2VuLjEyODAuaWd0diJ9&_nc_ohc=YDe6kNabv7sAX_d5YTs&_nc_ht=video-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT-cHEf7n5UwJbje7FBGazSjtqXz1HKtHkiWPcPrgr7h7w&oe=62737763&_nc_rid=d5e9485711","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/tv/CXm-l7htYrC/","timestamp":"2021-12-18T03:27:08+0000","id":"17984525089428923"},{"caption":"You can minimize water use by planting drought-resistant plants, which are great for the environment and your water bill. Not only are these plants inexpensive to purchase, but they are also easy to maintain and don't require much water. \n\nBy watering our yards less often and making good use of drought-resistant plants, we lose much less water from run-off and evaporation. \n\nLet's cut water use and make every drop count! \n\n#bwshonolulu #conservation #conservewater #savewater #waterdemand #watersupply #reducewateruse #wisewateruse #sustainability #drought #waterresources #Oahu #rainfall #kawaiola #waterforlife #xeriscape #environment #bill","media_type":"IMAGE","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/268053033_240111974921557_6608880097580848894_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=_TDSPjWYaxYAX-JOkUz&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT9NpRSz4ZWVdDkZKIlDFNhU4drKSW6N-fJTqPh7Brqp7g&oe=62780AEB","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/CXjubHgvPB7/","timestamp":"2021-12-16T21:06:37+0000","id":"18195927610126092"},{"caption":"🎄Check out our Succulent Wreath Workshop Video⁣ ⁣⁣\n📌Craft your own custom made living succulent holiday wreath using succulents that conserve water💧 in outdoor garden areas.⁣⁣⁣\n📌Sphagnum moss retains moisture = 💧water less often ⁣\n📌low maintenance: check wreath weekly, soak only when completely dry.⁣\n📌Save echeveria leaves to propagate new plants. place leaves on a tray of planting medium with good drainage and watch for baby plants to grow. Water medium when dry.⁣\n⁣⁣\n🎄 👀 to see this and more xeriscape workshop videos see www.hbws.me/hxg. Also, for more xeriscape garden tips check out our Instagram feed and feel free to like and share. #halawaxeriscapegarden⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣\n⁣⁣⁣\n⁣⁣⁣\n⁣⁣⁣\n⁣\n⁣⁣⁣\n⁣⁣⁣\n#succulentwreath #succulentwreaths #holidaywreath #holidaywreaths #diywreath #wreathsofinstagram #wreathtutorial #wreathworkshops #easydiy #howto #weekendideas #gardencrafts #gardeningathome #workshopvideo #learnathome #bwshxg","media_type":"VIDEO","media_url":"https://video-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t50.16885-16/10000000_658204052021834_8706642701510390674_n.mp4?_nc_cat=109&vs=644814326669096_1855066341&_nc_vs=HBksFQAYJEdJQ1dtQUJLNHJVU29sWUNBSkl6eGtGb05kUjRidlZCQUFBRhUAAsgBABUAGCRHTndyN1EtbWtkb2QyYUFCQUZ0SjNYX3B6eVVXYnZWQkFBQUYVAgLIAQAoABgAGwGIB3VzZV9vaWwBMRUAACban9%2B8xsrQQBUCKAJDMywXQHHKdsi0OVgYEmRhc2hfYmFzZWxpbmVfMV92MREAdewHAA%3D%3D&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=59939d&efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InZ0c192b2RfdXJsZ2VuLjEyODAuaWd0diJ9&_nc_ohc=t8twA9KSb1sAX8JRWnN&_nc_ht=video-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT9qqMLJCZ2jgM-UMWFjR7uh37kmi3LaezcqoDLj7IObJQ&oe=62738EE9&_nc_rid=ec28071baf","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/tv/CXgr56gppfV/","timestamp":"2021-12-15T16:54:20+0000","id":"17958900769531283"},{"caption":"You may not necessarily realize how much water you waste while brushing your teeth. Did you know that the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) states that leaving the water running while brushing your teeth wastes an average of four gallons? In a four-person household, where each person brushes twice a day, that’s 32 gallons of wasted water.\n\nYou can still save water and practice good oral hygiene at the same time! When it comes time to brushing your teeth:\n\n1. Simply run the water just enough to wet your toothbrush and then immediately turn it off and back on again.\n2. Use a cup to rinse your mouth after brushing.\n3. Make sure to fill the cup with the exact amount of water you need. This doesn’t mean filling your cup all the way to take one sip and dump the rest out.\n\nWe can all do our part in conserving water, which will help the planet and lower your water bill.\n\nLet’s make every drop count.\n \n#bwshonolulu #conservation #conservewater #savewater #waterdemand #watersupply #reducewateruse #wisewateruse #sustainability #drought #waterresources #Oahu #rainfall #kawaiola #waterforlife #brush #teeth #hawaii","media_type":"IMAGE","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/265492582_271174531655267_3022032524459478372_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=s55zNpB6BQsAX9ou-ot&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT-r58AWjGAXMqCUzJrESCqlUvPiYUaIrNW3FHnqVx4hUg&oe=6277421B","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/CXUbdGqPk--/","timestamp":"2021-12-10T22:32:15+0000","id":"17929275724902019"},{"caption":"✨ It's time for the 37th Honolulu City Lights! Here, Arthur decorates our Honolulu Hale tree with help from Corey, Jared, & Raymond. \n\n🙌🏼 Mahalo nui to Arthur for leading many of the BWS holiday festivities & for always putting together beautiful & creative tree designs! He made the water drop ornaments too! And mahalo to all our staff who volunteer & help get everyone in the holiday mood. ⭐️\n\nThe 2021 City Lights celebration (@friendshonolulucitylights) includes traditional decorations of light displays along with Shaka Santa, Tūtū Mele, & the Snow Family. Check it out Dec 5 through Jan 2! \n\n🎄 The Honolulu Hale Courtyard opens Mon Dec 6 to show off the trees decorated by city agencies.\n \nOn Dec 4, the tree lighting ceremony will be broadcast live on ‘Ōlelo Channel 53. Rebroadcasts on Channel 49 follow (see below) through Dec 25th. \n\n-- Saturday, Dec 4 at 6:30 pm – live ceremony\n-- Sunday, Dec 19 at 6 pm\n-- Wednesday, Dec 22 at 10 pm\n-- Friday, Dec 24 at 5 pm\n-- Saturday, Dec 25 at 11 am\n\n Our warmest holiday aloha to everyone!\n\n📸 Mahalo Jared & Arthur!\n\n===\n#fridayfun #holidayseason #friendsofhonolulucitylights #honolulucitylights #happyholidays #hawaiilife #honolulu #ourstaffrocks #boardofwatersupply #bwshonolulu #kawaiola #waterforlife","media_type":"CAROUSEL_ALBUM","media_url":"https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/263374080_205101061786533_8055807591963511838_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=yHfmBxTfR7wAX_CFXnQ&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT-6fQyRE3-v4yxzy7WeovYgbnjFDdDlSx9GNrF0cC5trg&oe=62775A9B","permalink":"https://www.instagram.com/p/CXB23pdveip/","timestamp":"2021-12-03T17:26:14+0000","id":"17890529249445341"}]